
Exploring the Growing Buying Power of the LGBTQ+ Consumer Audience

To leverage the economic power of this influential audience, brands will need to be authentic in their efforts to support and include LGBTQ+ consumers on all levels, even in the face of possible consumer backlash. The LGBTQ+ audience has emerged... Read More


When Likes Lead to Purchases: The Emergence of Social Commerce

If there are two things that characterize modern Western culture, and American culture in particular, it’s technology and consumerism. There’s no doubt that Silicone Valley and the many inventions and innovations that have come from there have driven our society... Read More



Earlier this year, Wohlers Associates, Inc. published its annual report with current figures for the additive manufacturing (AM) industry. The report showed a surprising expansion of 7.50%, upwards of $12.80 billion in 2020, despite the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic.... Read More


Cannabis – Just Business?

In the last year, the world has become so focused on working from home that we have almost forgotten that the need for physical labor is still necessary for the production of essential daily supplies. Our ‘virtual’ lives don’t obviate... Read More


How can chatbots help us?

Advances in AI have gathered speed so rapidly that even the savviest businesspeople are scrambling to catch up with the trends. Chatbots have the potential to rocket businesses into a new age of superb customer service and sensational returns on... Read More


It’s What You Hear: The Rise of Sonic Branding

Advances in marketing have gone hand-in-hand with advances in technology, which has created both challenges and opportunities for businesses. As companies realize that branding is vital to their success, because it connects them to their customers in a personalized way,... Read More


The Omnichannel Revolution

The retail landscape is constantly evolving and adapting to new technologies, ideas, and trends. As companies and brands attempt to navigate their ways through this constantly changing environment, new tools, such as omnichannel marketing, have been created to find success.... Read More


Consumers and the Future of the Film Industry

Since their inception in the early 20 th century, Hollywood and the film industry have beenmajor drivers of consumer pop culture. There’s no doubt that Hollywood is synonymouswith modern American culture, and as the film industry has influenced Americanconsumer habits,... Read More


The Rise and Rise of TikTok

Every youth generation has its own styles and attributes that affect greater society, and in recent decades those styles have been driven by technology trends. Generation X helped make email and the World Wide Web popular and more accessible, while... Read More


The Next Step for Big Box Stores

Since the late 1990s, the American retail landscape has changed tremendously, as a number of “big box stores” that were once the “go to” places for shopping have closed their doors forever. The emergence of Amazon and ecommerce have changed... Read More