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Sunthamruta capsule (60 capsule)



• Helps in hyper acidity
• Reduce cholesterol related problems
• Healthy Digestion
• Responsible for healthy digestion


1-2 capsules per day with warm water or as directed by physician.


Cholesterol Care

• Sunthamruta Capsule is a specially designed Ayurvedic formula with combination of Sunthi & GIR Ahinsak Gau Ghee. It is very useful in hyper acidity and cholesterol related problems. It is time tested medicine used by renowned Vaidyas since ancient times.
• Sunthi promotes appetite and healthy digestion.
• Gingerols, the active constituents of Sunthi, stimulate enzyme activity that is responsible for healthy digestion.
• Sunthamruta Capsule soothes and calms the digestive system, relieving abdominal bloating and belching. It also enhances absorption of nutrients from food.


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