EXCEL Services Corporation (hereinafter EXCEL) consultants have the background, contacts and up-to-date expertise to come in and implement initiatives that can drive faster approvals, fewer problems, and new ways to increase safety and raise—and sustain—performance and save costs doing so.
Mr. Hoffman is an accomplished nuclear professional and has more than 50 years of experience in Nuclear Operations, Engineering, Licensing, and Regulation. Mr. Hoffman founded EXCEL Services Corporation in 1985 to provide specialized professional services to nuclear utilities in licensing, engineering, operations, technical, and regulatory support. EXCEL has become recognized as a premier worldwide supplier of these support services and has been enhancing safety, improving performance, and reducing costs in the nuclear industry for more than three decades.
Mr. Hoffman is very active in the nuclear industry and is a Fellow and Past President of the American Nuclear Society.
Mr. Hoffman has served in various positions supporting US and International nuclear facility clients and has been the Executive Sponsors and Executive Project Manager for multiple projects including:
Prior to starting EXCEL, Mr. Hoffman served in the US Nuclear Submarine Navy as a senior reactor operator and engineering officer and as a Manager and lead reviewer at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission reviewing License Applications and Technical Specifications.
ExperienceMr. Andersen has more than 35 years of experience in executive and management levels in nuclear safety, security, emergency preparedness, and incident response. His career included 27 years with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), culminating in service as the Director, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy. In his current position with EXCEL, he is responsible for identifying new business opportunities and assisting the President & CEO in building and driving a strategy and business plan to position EXCEL for long-term growth. Mr. Andersen is also responsible for assisting clients with the design, implementation, and evaluation of their physical and cyber security protection systems. The consulting services include effectiveness and efficiency reviews, preparation for oversight agencies’ inspection activities, performance tests to identify areas for improvement, and corrective action programs to remedy weaknesses and/or areas of noncompliance with relevant requirements.
Mr. Andersen has considerable experience with the NRC’s licensing and oversight processes. Prior to the NRC, Mr. Andersen served as a nuclear submarine officer and has extensive operational experience aboard a nuclear-powered submarine. He attained formal certification from the Director of the Naval Reactors Program as a Qualified Nuclear Engineering Officer.
Mr. Grant is the Vice President of New Build for EXCEL. He has over 40 years of experience in the nuclear industry. He has over 10 years experience working with Part 52 licensing applications such as the NuStart AP1000 Bellefonte (and Vogtle) Combined License (COL) applications and the Exelon Generating Company (EGC) Early Site Permit (ESP) application. Mr. Grant was the lead licensing engineer for each of the successful first of kind application submittals and ultimate approvals by the NRC, resulting in the first ever issued Part 52 ESP and first ever issued Part 52 COL. These roles included direct interaction with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), interaction with the reactor vendor design certification, presentation of the applications to ACRS and ASLB and representation of the projects on the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) industry task forces related to the ESP and the COL development.
Mr. Grant has been gathering nuclear plant licensing and regulatory interface experience since earning a nuclear engineering degree in 1978, including previous development of successful Part 50 license applications for River Bend Station and Limerick Generating Station, Unit 2, development of numerous amendment requests for various operating stations, program enhancements at various operating stations, support of application development for a Part 70 new fuel enrichment facility and application development for the license renewal of Darlington Generating Station in Canada.
Mr. Mann has 35 years of experience in Regulatory Affairs. He has provided support to the PWROG Licensing Committee and BWROG Licensing Committee for over two decades. He manages the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) (a joint activity of the PWROG, BWROG, and the AP1000 Owners Group), and is the principle author of over 550 TSTF travelers, including all of the risk-informed travelers. Mr. Mann acts as the point-of-contact for the industry on Technical Specifications-related issues.
Mr. Mann believes strongly in training the next generation of Regulatory Affairs professionals. He provides regulatory support and training to EXCEL’s domestic and international clients and has created hundreds of regulatory submittals. He created Nukapedia, an online resource for Regulatory Affairs information. Mr. Mann is the principle author of the Writer’s Guide for Plant-Specific Improved Technical Specifications, and led the team that revised NEI 06-02, “License Amendment Request Guidelines,” as part of an initiative to standardize the license amendment process.
Mr. Mann serves on a number of NEI committees, such as the Regulatory Issues Task Force and the Risk Informed Technical Specifications Task Force. He is a frequent speaker at the NRC’s Regulatory Information Conference, the American Nuclear Society’s Utility Working Conference, and the NEI Regulatory Affairs Forum.
Before joining EXCEL in 1997, Mr. Mann held a number of positions in Management, Licensing, Project Management, and Reactor Engineering at several utilities, where he developed a number of first-of-a-kind approaches. Mr. Mann was a utility member of the TSTF and its predecessor organizations since their inception in 1993. He was a member of the U.S. Council on Energy Awareness’ “Energy America” speakers’ program and traveled the country addressing energy issues to an estimated audience of 1.5 million persons.
Mr. Satorius has over 40 years of experience in the Nuclear Industry. He is responsible for leading the EXCEL service offering that uses the highest levels of industry expertise to create solutions for clients’ most critical and difficult regulatory challenges, including responding to significant NRC enforcement and reactor oversight inspection issues, and nuclear safety culture concerns. This service offering provides a talented team of former industry and regulatory executives that bring unmatched knowledge and experience to create solutions for clients with critical and difficult regulatory and legal challenges and to prepare them for future NRC interactions.
EXCEL has developed a Nuclear Safety Culture Assessments program that applies the Nuclear Safety Culture traits of NRC NUREG-2165 and INPO 12-012; and, the principles of High Reliability Organizations. By emphasizing small group data gathering interviews and then using systematic and transparent qualitative analysis, EXCEL identifies common themes and patterns to develop cultural insights that bring solutions to safety culture problems.
Additionally, EXCEL provides post NRC inspection assistance to advise senior client management in strengthening NRC’s confidence in the client’s safety and security performance (often referred to as “regulatory standing”) and in improving the client’s relationship with the NRC senior leader in regional offices and selected program offices at the NRC headquarters. EXCEL also has a broad bench of talent with extensive experience in many areas, that give clients options to select experts with varied skill sets to address the precise problem that exists.
Prior to joining EXCEL, Mr. Satorius spent 26 years at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), where he served in several senior leadership positions, including Administrator, NRC Region III and as the Executive Director for Operations. Mr. Satorius has testified before Congressional Committees and at NRC Commission Meetings on topics such as safety and security issues at licensed nuclear facilities.
A graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Mr. Satorius was a nuclear submarine officer with extensive operational experience aboard a nuclear-powered submarines. He attained formal certification from the Director of the Naval Reactors Program as a Qualified Nuclear Engineering Officer.
Mr. Crabbs has been applying his Instrumentation and Control knowledge since 1982 in design engineering and licensing services. For two years, Mr. Crabbs worked directly for an electric utility in the Instrumentation and Control organization. Since that time, Mr. Crabbs has been performing project and staff support activities on a contract basis. Mr. Crabbs’ most recent position with EXCEL Services provided project management of the Implementation Phase of the 24-Month Cycle Extension Project at the Fermi 2 Power Plant. This project includes surveillance procedure revisions, non-Technical Specification Surveillance Failure Analysis, Preventive Maintenance (PM) Event evaluation and justification for extension to a 24-month cycle, and other miscellaneous project activities to be addressed or performed for the implementation of the 24-month cycle extension of Fermi 2 Power Plant.
Mr. Ellis is responsible for development, reviewing, and revising license actions at various sites, including Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) conversion/upgrade license amendment request (LAR) applications, Technical Specification (TS) amendments, design certification applications (DCA), and combined license applications (COLA). Mr. Ellis has an extensive background in electrical and instrumentation and controls, and has also support Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Technical Specification Bases, Extended Power Uprate (EPU) LARs, Licensee Manual, DCA, and COLA changes.
Mr. Ellis provides training on ITS and TS usage to EXCEL’s domestic and international clients, and has created hundreds of regulatory submittals.
Mr. Haggerty is an experienced mechanical and environmental engineer with over 30 years of experience in the domestic commercial nuclear reactor industry. He has significant experience in the 10 CFR Part 52 new reactor licensing process and the associated environmental reviews, review of nuclear fuel cycle licensing actions, 10 CFR Part 50 operating reactor regulatory affairs, licensing renewal and project and contract management.
Mr. Haggerty was responsible for developing, reviewing, and defending sections of a combined license (COL) application (COLA) for the AP1000 reference plant, and managed the development of the AP1000 reference COL Applicant’s Environmental Report, as well as the nuclear security aspects of reference COL Applicant’s COLA. He has written and received approval of numerous Part 52 COL License Amendment Requests (LARs), AP1000 Design Certification Rule exemption requests, and licensing position documents to support construction and future operation of the client’s two-unit AP1000 nuclear facility. Prior to supporting the industry’s Part 52 licensing activities, Mr. Haggerty provided support and guidance in updating the NUREG-0800 Standard Review Plan, while serving as a Senior Project Manager with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Mr. Haggerty also has experience in developing, reviewing, and supporting review of Operating License Renewal Applications, including the associated Environmental Reports, and the operating programs required to satisfy the license renewal aging management program requirements. Experience includes projects at Babcock and Wilcox, Combustion Engineering, and Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors, and commercial uranium fuel cycle facilities
Mr. Libby is a highly experienced consultant who has managed challenging nuclear international projects in Eastern Europe. He has led reorganization efforts and crafted new organizations to provide services in two diplomatic postings including the IAEA. He has managed projects at every nuclear power station in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Armenia. He resided and worked in Russia for 7 years and has extensive experience in contracting and managing complex projects in Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia.
He is a highly technical contributor in the fields of core design, safety analysis, and operational support.
Mr. Libby is an internationally recognized expert in the quality assurance (QA) of digital and software-based systems. He has created and implemented software QA programs and has successfully defended such systems with regulatory agencies. Mr. Libby has provided expert testimony in regulatory forums and was a leading figure in the development of the US industry SQA forum.
Mr. Day coordinates the licensing activities associated with maintaining a possession‐only 10 CFR 50 License and 10 CFR 72 General License to support decommissioning of the facilities and long‐term storage of irradiated nuclear fuel and Greater than Class C Waste. His primary activities include the development and issuance of regulatory correspondence (e.g., routine periodic submittals, exemptions, etc.), maintenance of License Basis Documents (e.g., Emergency Plan, Physical Security Plan, Post‐Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report, Final Safety Analysis Report, 10 CFR 72.212 Evaluation Report, License Termination Plan, etc.), development and revisions to programs, procedures, and processes, and development of training regarding multiple subjects (e.g., procedure implementation, Technical Specifications implementation, Workplace Civility, Nuclear Safety Culture, Active Shooter Training, Situational Awareness Training, etc.).
Mr. Rucker is highly experienced in Electrical Engineering, Inspections, License Renewal, Subsequent License Renewal, and License Renewal implementation. He was responsible for preparation and review of Electrical, Instrumentation and Control (EIC) Aging Management Reviews, EIC Aging Management Program Evaluation Report, and EQ TLAA Reports for the Indian Point, Cooper, Grand Gulf, Waterford 3, TVA Sequoyah, Fermi 2, and River Bend License Renewal Projects. He was responsible for supporting and reviewing the EIC portions of the Scoping Report, the OE Report, and the LRA for Indian Point, Cooper, Grand Gulf, Waterford 3, TVA Sequoyah, and Fermi-2.
He has supported License Renewal Implementation Activities for Pilgrim, Fitzpatrick, Palisades, Indian Point, Vermont Yankee, and Arkansas Nuclear One (U1 & U2), with the focus on developing and implementing electrical inspections associated with GALL programs, and supporting NRC 71003 inspections. He was the project lead for the ANO Unit 2 LRI project. He has supported NRC audits for Fitzpatrick, Indian Point, Cooper, Grand Gulf, TVA Sequoyah, DTE Fermi-2, and River Bend, and resolve auditor comments and RAIs as assigned.