What is mediation?

Mediation is a straightforward collaborative conversation that aims to quiet the conflict and create customized solutions. At all times your mediator will be impartial, and the process is confidential.

Why mediation?

In mediation, couples can create their own private solutions and avoid a protracted, expensive, and public court battle. The cost of mediation is generally a more affordable and efficient use of financial and familial resources than other forms of dissolution of relationships.

How does it work?

As your mediator, I will explain the process in the initial consultation or the first session. After we reach an agreement, a formal document is created. Any final terms, (divorce, custody, parenting plans, etc.) will need to be signed by a Judge.

How long will it take?

Most mediations can be completed in 3 to 6 months, or 4 to 8 sessions.

Are there different types of mediation?

Yes, in traditional or peacemaking mediation one person serves as the neutral mediator for both parties. In collaborative mediation each party engages an independent mediator, and all parties meet together. Sometimes there is an additional neutral mediator, or a specialist utilized.

Will I be left with a legally binding agreement?

If a legally binding agreement is your goal, then yes, mediated agreements are binding. You may also decide you no longer wish to have such an agreement.

Is mediation best for my family?

Mediation generally leads to a less contentious, and more child-focused experience and solution. Mediation tends to leads to better relationships and better compliance than cut court-imposed agreements.

What will this cost?

Mediation is generally less costly than litigation. Please call me at (929) 333-5432 to discuss my fees.

Do I also need a lawyer?

The agreement reached by you in mediation should be reviewed by a lawyer as it becomes a binding agreement that can be used in an uncontested divorce. Although I am a lawyer, when serving as your mediator, I am not legally authorized to be your personal attorney.

How do I pick a mediator who is right for me?

Any situation involving conflict or change can be stressful, so you need to pick someone with whom you feel comfortable.

Is mediation always better than litigation?

Mediation is not helpful in relationships that are complicated by intimate partner violence, substance abuse, or other contingencies that make it impossible for both parties to speak freely.

Can other persons attend or participate in the divorce mediation session?

If both parties agree, then yes. Children may also be present if both parents agree‚ but not in the first session.

Will the mediator pressure us into saving our marriage?

The outcome of your meditation is for you to decide.

Must we be in the same room, or can our mediator act as a go-between?

Currently, due to the global pandemic, all sessions are on Zoom. If the situation calls for it, I do meet with parties separately.

What else do I need to know?

  • You can mediate if you are already in divorce litigation.

  • The New York Courts encourage the use of mediation.

  • You are not under any obligation to enter into an agreement if you are unhappy with it.

  • No court appearances are necessary.

  • Mediation is appropriate anytime you need help to resolve a relationship conflict.

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