Add Call Scripting to Your Call Center to Achieve Greater Outcomes

Empower Agents to Do More and Do It Better with Call Scripting

As caller expectations rise, along with call complexity, agents must do more and must do it better. This starts with hiring the right agents, but to achieve the best results, you need to empower agents and enhance their abilities with advanced technology. This is where call scripting comes in.

The Benefits of Call Scripting

Call scripting gives agents structure to better handle calls. It allows call centers to design, or script, call flow and message taking, along with message dispatching. This results in increased consistency coupled with improved accuracy. With call scripting, an ideal call-flow model guides agents to reach the desired outcome in the most efficient way possible. With properly configured call scripts, agent errors are reduced by up to 90% and training time can be cut in half. These are the undeniable benefits of call scripting.

The Problem with Call Scripting

Though the advantages of call scripting are numerous and compelling, there is a downside. The tradeoff for call scripting, which eases agent activity, is an increase in backend preparation. That is, there’s the upfront issue of properly programming the call script to achieve the desired results. This takes time, and it costs money. As a result, many well-intended call centers buy call scripting software, but falter when it comes to implementation. They simply don’t have enough programming resources to properly configure it for all their accounts. This means that the hardest, most error-prone accounts may receive some degree of call scripting, but most accounts are put on hold for later implementation—and later never happens.

The Solution for Call Scripting Implementation

Some call centers seek to address this challenge of properly configuring call scripting for all their accounts by hiring a programmer to set up a script for each client. This usually works for a while, until other tasks are assigned to the programmer, which crowds out the time needed to develop and implement the remaining scripts. Another issue is that when the programmer leaves, there is seldom someone trained to take their place. Then all subsequent script development stops. An increasingly popular solution to this dilemma of fully implementing call scripting is to outsource the script development and programming to a company that specializes in it. This removes the burden of implementation from the call center and shifts scripting to a third-party that can focus on it. Third-party script developers and programmers specialize in rapid deployment. Having done thousands of call scripts, they have developed a process to produce better scripts and do it faster.


If your call center isn’t taking advantage of call scripting to help agents provide better customer experiences, now is the time to start. And if your call center has call scripting software but hasn’t fully implemented it, then maybe it’s time to outsource call scripting development and implementation. Call Center Sales Pro can help your call center get the most out of your call scripting software.  Peter Lyle DeHaan is a freelance writer from Southwest Michigan. Call Center Sales Pro, a premier sales and marketing service provider for the call center and telephone answering service industry, helps clients grow their revenue and improve their operation for maximum results. Contact Janet at or 800-901-7706.